Decorating the bottle with colored salt


In order to decorate the interior, create a warm, cozy atmosphere in the house or to please a loved one with an original gift, it is not necessary to buy expensive souvenirs. You can create them yourself.
Recently, various decorative bottles and jars have become very popular. They are brought from travel or purchased in souvenir shops for a lot of money. However, creating such beauty yourself is quite realistic. You just need to show imagination and spend a little time.
Any glass container can be turned into an exclusive thing, decorating it with a cloth, beads, shells, paints, applique, etc. A beautiful and original trinket can be made by filling it with colored salt.
To create it, prepare:
• a transparent jar;
• salt;
• colored crayons;
• funnel;
• sieve;
• several small containers.

For work, take any salt (small, large, sea) and small glasses (according to the number of crayons). Pour 3-4 tablespoons of salt into a flat plate and rub it with chalk until you get a mixture of the desired shade.

Salt can be dyed with a few drops of any dye, dried in an oven or microwave, and then crushed. Crayons can also be turned into powder in various ways: grate or grind in a mortar. The main thing is to get a homogeneous mass without lumps. To do this, sift the crushed chalk into a prepared container.

Fill one of the cups with unpainted salt: white can also come in handy. After all the shades are received, you can proceed to the creative part of the work.

Pick up a jar or bottle of clear glass or plastic. It can be of arbitrary shape and have a neck of any diameter. Wash it and wipe it dry. Using a funnel, start pouring salt into a jar so that you get beautiful waves or even stripes.

In the center, you can pour ordinary unpainted salt, and to get an interesting pattern, slightly tilt the jar in the right direction, correct the drawing with a sharp stick or move the funnel nose to the desired point. The sequence of arrangement of color layers can be arbitrary - it all depends on your imagination and taste.
Periodically, a bottle should be lightly tapped on the table so that the salt lies denser. So fill the container to the very top, tamp its contents again, add more salt and close the lid tightly.
It remains to decorate the jar. For this, beads, ribbons, cords, bright scraps of fabric or paper from flowers are suitable. Cut a circle of the desired diameter from a suitable material. Wrap it around the lid and secure with an elastic band or thread. Decorate to your liking with hand-made decorations.

Such an original jar can be put on a shelf next to spices or on a windowsill with flowers. If desired, it is possible to make real paintings from a colored salt in a jar. To do this, use sharp sticks, which mix the already poured layers and give them the necessary shape.


Watch the video: DIY Colored Salt Made With Colored Chalk - Sand Art - Creative Decor Ideas (October 2024).