Exclusive Spice Jars


Tart, burning and unusually fragrant spices and spices are not just a culinary whim, but an integral ingredient in any oriental colorful dish. That's only with all its high position in the kitchen, they are stored, as a rule, in ordinary paper bags directly in bulk somewhere in the far corner of the cabinet. We suggest that you correct such an injustice and make bright and unusual dishes for spices from ordinary baby food jars.

To make crafts, you will need:
1. Directly the jar itself from under the baby food of any manufacturer and volume;
2. Acrylic or oil paints (we will use oil paints for painting);
3. PVA glue;
4. Decorative elements made of polymer clay, which can be purchased at any sewing store (if you are fond of modeling and you have free time and opportunity for this, then you can make such jewelry yourself in advance);
5.Lacquer remover, alcohol or other degreaser;
6. Transparent varnish for acrylic paints (we used glossy, but you can also choose its matte version);
7. A brush, fleece and a container in which you will mix paint.

But before we begin the creative process, first the jar should be thoroughly washed, having cleaned it of the remnants of baby food and traces of the label, and dried. And the lid from it is degreased with a nail polish remover, as in our case, otherwise fingerprints will not allow evenly staining the background.

So, now that all the preparatory measures have been completed, mix the oil paints and PVA glue in a ratio of 1: 2 in the container of your choice (preferably still use a metal container) (this is done so that the paint on the surface of the lid lays with a thin uniform layer and did not climb) until a homogeneous consistency. Photo No. 5 And then proceed to coloring your cap with the resulting mixture, starting with its rim and ending with the main part.

After the paint has dried thoroughly and provided that the surface of the lid does not need to be covered with a second layer (such a need may arise if any inscriptions still appear on the paint after drying), cover it with transparent acrylic varnish and again - Put it aside until it dries completely. By the way, you can even apply varnish in several layers, so that with further prolonged use of the jars, the paint does not wear off (remember that each subsequent layer should be applied only after the previous one has completely dried).

Actually, this completes the bulk of the work - it remains only using the same PVA glue (you can use any other glue as an alternative) to fix a decorative element made of polymer clay on the lid.

And now our spice jar is completely ready! Now it can be safely carried to the kitchen and used for its intended purpose.


Watch the video: 10 Best Spice Jars 2019 (October 2024).