My first attempt to make a scarf using the Crazy Vul technique


Having seen enough on the TV of any beauty and having read on the Internet about this beauty, I decided to try to do the same with my own hands. I really liked the things made in the style of "Crazy Vul". For those who are not familiar with this, I will say that it looks very interesting, unusual and beautiful. You can’t immediately determine how and from what it is made. And this is done from knitting threads, as they say, easily and simply.

If it’s easy and simple, why not try it. Moreover, I knit, and the remnants of the thread, which have nowhere to apply, I have enough. To master this technique, in addition to threads of different textures, a soluble non-woven is also needed. Unfortunately, I didn’t have it. Having searched all over the same Internet, I found out that this material is not cheap, and in the city we do not have it. You can buy it in the online store, but is it worth it to spend the money, but what if it doesn’t work out ....
Wise advisers wrote that you can replace this same non-woven with ordinary newspapers. To try, so to try, but with minimal cost. Moreover, free advertising newspapers pop into boxes often.
Since the yard is stunningly beautiful autumn, I decided to create a scarf in autumn colors. To translate my dreams into reality, I prepared the following:
  • several newspapers;
  • the remains of threads of different types, thicknesses, textures;
  • pieces of harvested fabric of green-orange color (I just decided to add autumn leaves to the scarf);
  • ordinary and zigzag scissors;
  • needles for chipping;
  • Polish for hair;
  • beige sewing threads;
  • sewing machine.

Since I do not have a long table, I spread the newspapers just on the floor, a little overlapping each other. I got a 40 by 200 cm rectangle.

On this substrate, I began to randomly lay out my threads, unwinding them from the ball. For each new layer I took a ball with other threads. After four layers of thread, I decided to sketch the leaves.

I just cut them with zigzag scissors in the form of ovals. You can use ordinary scissors, the difference will be completely invisible.

Cutting and scattering silk leaves on the laid out threads, she covered them with four more layers of thread. Here is what happened.
For fastening, I sprayed the entire structure with varnish and covered it with a layer of newspapers. All connected among themselves by tailor's needles. Gently rolled the resulting "sandwich" into a roll. Carried to the quilting machine.
I decided to start the stitch with transverse lines, but it was inconvenient: newspapers were torn, needles spilled out. But "... if I decide what, I’ll have a drink ..."

I was able to sew along the perimeter in a spiral, making the distance between the lines of about 1 cm. It was so much more convenient. As you get closer to the center of the product, sewing becomes easier. When the whole structure was quilted along, I began to make lines across. Sewing was already much easier, since the workpiece took on contours and strengthened. Cross stitches I began to do less often, after 2 cm.
It took me almost three hours to stitch the scarf. Hands barely washed from ink. I was really glad that the worst was behind, but it wasn’t there. Newspapers were tightly sewn and did not want to lag at all. The prospect of picking out newspapers did not inspire me at all.
Then I just folded the ill-fated scarf in a basin and filled it with warm water.
After half an hour, I decided to check how my creation is there. Newspapers got wet, but not far behind. I began to rub my scarf, as when washing. Things went well, newspapers began to lag a little. Then I shook this scarf over the bathroom, clogging scraps of newspaper all around. Then she sat still, picking out the soaked remnants of newspapers with her hands. After rinsing the scarf again, she hung it to dry.

The result nevertheless satisfied me. If we take into account the minimum cost, then we can say that the result is not bad. A scarf is available. The Crazy Vul method has been tested with minimal cost (it’s a pity that with maximum effort, but what to do ...).
After my “pen test,” I want to share the following:
  • do not believe someone who says that newspapers are easy and simple;
  • do not use light threads, they get dirty with black paint and do not wash well;
  • do not think that this is a quick way to create things in this technique (although, of course, much faster than knitting);
  • things in the finished form become slightly smaller;
  • go for it, you will succeed!

After my first (perhaps not entirely successful) experience, I now want to master this technique even more, only with non-woven. I'm running to buy.

And all of you good luck in your work.


Watch the video: Making Regalia - Episode 2 (October 2024).