How to decorate a bathroom with PVC panels


Any repair work is a real job. In order to properly clad the walls of the bathroom with plastic panels with your own hands, you must adhere to certain rules and instructions.

The benefits of paneling

All PVC panels have certain significant advantages:
  • Environmental friendliness of the material;
  • High strength
  • Wear resistance;
  • Practicality in use;
  • Easy to install and mount;
  • The material is resistant to temperature extremes;
  • Low cost.

It can be said unequivocally that such panels are a modern and modified material for facing a bathtub in a room. Moreover, such panels can be mounted with your own hands. Using certain tools.

Tile mounting tools

Absolutely all the tools that are necessary for repair work can be purchased at a hardware store or even ordered online. To install the plates with your own hands, you will need:
  • Level;
  • Drill or perforator;
  • Construction stapler;
  • Yardstick;
  • Liquid Nails.

Installation methods

To start, you need to decide on the method of decoration. There are two of them: frame and adhesive. Each of these methods involves a specific installation technology. For example, wireframe is the method by which the crate is used. The glue method is liquid nails.
With the frame method, preliminary preparation of the walls is excluded. In addition, this frame method is great for large rooms. In addition, it is allowed to install communications under the panel. What can not be said about the adhesive method. The surface must be prepared in advance, be absolutely even and without flaws. The glue method is practical only for small rooms.
Each of the methods is simple and effective in its own way.

View before mounting panels:

Proceed to installation:

Budget repairs are ready!


Watch the video: PVC Decorative Wall, Ceiling and Flooring Panel Installation Video. Omega Changing Rooms Ltd (October 2024).