How to make molds for epoxy from starch and sealant


Epoxy is a liquid two-component composition. To make a cabochon, it is poured into molds. But buying them is not necessary. You can create a silicone mold yourself.
For work you will need:
  • gloves
  • acrylic blanks;
  • starch;
  • sealant.

Step-by-step creation of molds

  • 1. To protect the surface, cover it with oilcloth.
  • 2. Prepare the container. A plate or an old bowl will do.
  • 3. Take silicone sealant and squeeze out the required amount of contents.

4. Pour on top 3-4 tbsp. l corn or potato starch.

5. Begin to gently knead this mixture, like dough.
6. Do this until the silicone stops sticking to your hands. Add starch if necessary. The exact proportions of the ingredients cannot be calculated; it all depends on the quality and quantity of the components used and the temperature in the room.
7. When the mixture begins to roll into a ball, tear off a piece of it.

8. Form an oval and press the selected blank into it. It can be pebbles made of acrylic, glass or plastic.

9. Leave the mold to solidify for 24 hours.

Safety and nuances

Keep in mind that the sealant has an unpleasant vinegar aroma, so ventilate the room well. Be sure to protect your skin with gloves. The process of creating a mold will seem familiar to those who know how to knead the dough.
The shape of the workpiece can be any from a sphere to a cameo and buttons. This mixture perfectly prints faces and small details. But if you use glass, then lubricate the element with petroleum jelly. Do not push the cabochon deeply; otherwise, nicks and cracks will form at the edges.
The advantages of this method:
  • low cost of materials;
  • variety of forms;
  • simplicity.

Molds from starch and sealant are durable and suitable for various types of creativity.
