How to make a whisk from plastic bottles


Empty plastic bottles for various drinks are excellent raw materials for DIY crafts. In this review, the author shows how to make a whisk.

Ordinary brooms are quickly erased, and plastic will last much longer.

To make a whisk from bottles, PET bottles themselves must first be dissolved into strips 2-3 mm wide. This can be done with a bottle cutter.

We recommend reading: how to make a simple bottle cutter with an electric drive from a drill.

The main stages of work

After the strips are cut, you will need to align them. To do this, we wind strips on a piece of plywood or glass of a suitable size.

At the next stage, we heat the strips with a building hairdryer so that shrinkage occurs. If there is no hairdryer, you can pour hot water on the strips.

Next, let the strips cool. We take a clerical knife and cut one of the sides.

We put the prepared strips on the rope, which we then tighten. Cut off the neck of the bottle and insert the upper ends of the strips into it. We pass the rope through the neck.

Then you need to warm the neck with a hairdryer so that shrinkage occurs. Additionally, you can tighten it with bolts (for greater rigidity).

At the last stage, it remains only to insert a wooden holder in the neck (or you can use the tube from the old mop).

For more information on how to make a whisk from plastic bottles with your own hands, see the video on the website.


Watch the video: How to Make a Mini Mixer (January 2025).