How to make bent elements of wood with your own hands


In the manufacture of original pieces of furniture, various curved wood elements may sometimes be required. In this review, the author shows how to make them yourself.

First of all, it will be necessary to saw the board into rails 1-2 mm thick (maximum - 3 mm).

Then, the strips must be lightly sanded and glued (ordinary PVA carpentry glue is used). We fix the slats with electrical tape or masking tape.

Next, bend the workpiece and fix it in the wime. When the glue dries, remove the tape (or masking tape) - the curved element is ready. As you can see, everything is very simple and fast.

Second way

There is another way to make a curved element of wood.

We glue the rails and fix them with electrical tape (masking tape), as in the previous case.

In this case, not a wyme is used, but a special template (matrix and punch). Clamp with clamps for 3-4 hours.

Patterns for curved parts can have a different shape. You can easily make them yourself.

Please note that the total thickness of the workpieces should be no more than 40 mm - thicker it will be difficult to bend.

For details on how to make curved elements of wood with your own hands, see this video.


Watch the video: Woodworking Information : How to Bend Wood to Make Furniture (January 2025).