Garden Weed Control Tool


Annoying weeds in a garden or a summer cottage cause a lot of trouble, because removing them manually is difficult, and the process itself takes a lot of time. A shovel in this case can do little to help.

Just cutting a bush under the root is not enough. You need to remove it from the ground. Do not dig through the entire site because of this. Therefore, if you have to constantly “fight” with weeds and wild bushes, it makes sense to make a very simple device that will facilitate the work.

For effective, and most importantly - easy weed control on the site, you can use a homemade garden tool. To make such a device, you do not need to buy expensive materials for this. In this case, it is quite possible to do with unnecessary scraps of old pipes.

The main stages of work

For this homemade product, you will need two pieces of a round steel pipe (they must be of different diameters), as well as a piece of the usual building corner. And first of all, it is necessary to cut a grinder on one side of the corner, the edges need to be slightly bent with a hammer.

In the next step, the corner must be welded to a piece of steel pipe. You need to weld at a distance of about 7-10 cm from the edge.

After this, it remains only to cut a piece of pipe of a smaller diameter and weld it to the corner, putting it between the shelves. And in the end, we got a simple tool for weed control on a land plot.

We plant a homemade nozzle on a wooden holder, after which you can immediately begin to release the garden from the "vagrant" shrubs and even weeds of the "old-timers". The detailed manufacturing process of this garden tool, see the video on the site.


Watch the video: NO GIMMICKS! Garden Tool Comparison Simple ORGANIC WEED CONTROL BUILDS SOIL! (October 2024).