Handmade apple pastille


In autumn, apples ripen in home gardens. Some housewives grow semi-wild small fruits, others - large, but sour green fruits. We are faced with the question of how to process this huge amount of apples, which are not always sweet and tasty to eat without processing. When the jam bothers, and the hostess gets tired of cutting, removing seeds and cores, apple marshmallow will come to the rescue. This dessert will win your hearts!

If you have been to the city of Kolomna, near Moscow, you could not help but try the famous handmade Kolomna pastille. Not only surprisingly tasty, but also healthy, as it contains the best substances of apples: pectins, fiber, vitamins, iron. We suggest you cook something very similar at home.


  • Apples: 1 kilogram, or 8-10 large apples. Net weight is indicated with peel and underwire.
  • Sugar: 300 grams.
  • Powdered sugar (for sprinkling).

Still useful: a large sieve, pan (preferably with a thick bottom), parchment for baking.


1 step. Wash the apples. In small fruits, you can not remove the core, but cut only into 4 parts, in large fruits, cut off all the sides (with a peel, but without bones). Put in a large saucepan, add a little water (about 50 ml), simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the apple mass turns into mashed potatoes. It will take about 20-25 minutes depending on the size of the pieces of raw materials.

2 step. After softening the apples and turning them into a homogeneous mass, reduce the heat, open the lid and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

3 step. Remove apples from heat, put in a large sieve and rub.

4 step. Add sugar. You can not add, but if the apples are sour - it is better to add.

5 step. Cover the baking sheet with parchment for baking, a piece of parchment should be solid, wide and go on the sides. Lightly grease the paper with vegetable oil.
6 step. Put the apple mass (about 700 g.) On parchment, distribute in an even layer about 0.5 cm thick.

7 step. In the oven, preheated to 70 degrees, put the pan. Cooking pastille from 6 to 8 hours. If you have a timer in the oven, you will need to turn it on periodically. You can just pinpoint time. It is better not to do this at night, because the baking sheet needs to be periodically turned over (every 2 hours, for example). This is necessary so that the apple mass warms up evenly from all sides.

How to understand that the pastille is ready?

The pastille is ready, if its thickness has decreased, the consistency has become denser, and several sweet sugar drops of syrup come out on the surface. In fact, heating in the oven simply draws excess moisture out of the product. The surface should become smooth and not stick to your hands. At a temperature of 70 degrees, the human hand can withstand touch.

After 6.5-8 hours, remove the parchment from the oven, cool slightly. Cover the smooth surface with powdered sugar, turn the pastille over and carefully remove the parchment from it. If the edges are stuck, trim: they can also be eaten. Cut into strips, roll into rolls. You can fasten with toothpicks, sprinkle with powdered sugar for beauty. If some edge of the pastille has not yet “seized” in the oven, cut it and send it back to warm up.
From one kilogram of apples I got 6 pretty thick rolls (3-4 cm thick, 5 cm long). The output weight is about 300-400 gr. The edges of the pastilles that adhere to parchment can also be separated from the surface and eat.


Such a unique handmade homemade pastille will decorate any holiday table! With all its usefulness and original taste, it is also well stored. Wrap it in parchment and cling film, put it in a cold place, remove it as needed.

Perfectly pastille for decorating desserts, cakes. Using a knife or stencils, it is easy to cut letters or any other figures from this product.
Although pastille contains sugar, it remains an excellent dessert for weight loss due to its high density and content of nutrients.


Watch the video: Homemade Lemon Gumdrops (October 2024).