Original flower mini flower bed made of wood


Home-made wooden mini-flowerbed fits perfectly into the interior of a country house, cottage or city apartment, and will add some “zest” to the surroundings. The design has four tiers and is compact in size - such a flower bed can be placed both on the windowsill and on the shelf.

Pine planks are used as the main material. All work can be done with a hand tool. In fact, you only need to file a workpiece of suitable size, and then glue them together - there is no need to use screws or screws.

Therefore, to make such an original mini flower bed for home flowers is within the power of everyone. This will require the following blanks:

  • four planks 15 cm long;
  • three planks 10 cm long;
  • three boards 7 cm long;
  • two planks 4-5 cm long.

The main stages of work

Using a clamp, we first glue the three side walls, and then glue the remaining workpieces to them. Since this design will not carry any load, it is not necessary to use self-tapping screws (but if desired, it is possible). Next, glue the frames of wooden battens.

We fix the flower mini-bed with glue to the base, and then frame the top ends of the boards with a wooden baguette. It is also advisable to paint the surface with a paint or soak with mineral oil. The result is a simple and compact decorative mini flower bed for the home.


Watch the video: How to Make an Indoor Water Garden! . Garden Answer (October 2024).